Colorado Gardening + How to get started!

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“My garden is my most beautiful masterpiece.” - Claude Monet

Why Garden? Exercise, beauty, life lessons, patience, creativity, food! We could go on, but with hope, you’ve found yourself here because you’ve already decided to start a garden. Now where to begin. . .

What type of garden would you like?

Vegetable garden? Herb garden? How about a marvelously scented flower garden? Maybe all of the above? Our only advice - start small.


Edible gardens and most flowers will need around 6-8 hours of full sun each day. Keep an eye on your yard and chart the sunshine throughout the day. If your yard is mostly shady, no worries there are plenty of shade loving plants and you can experiment with aggressive sun loving plants to see if shade keeps them at bay. 

Will your garden be in a high wind area? Where is the hose located? 


In our previous blog, we went into detail about the importance of soil health. Again, the more fertile your garden, is the more life, the more abundant your veggies! 

Decide on Plants

If you are looking for easy to grow for your first few seasons:

Flowers: Marigolds, cosmos, sunflowers, zinnias, phlox, and Russian sage are beautiful options.

Produce: Cucumbers and tomatoes are popular and radish has a quick turnaround.

Plant your garden!

Planting from seed? Read the package for the best sowing time. Buying young plants to transplant? Easy! Dig a hole, carefully remove the plant from the pot, untangle any rootbound roots, place in the hole, add soil and water. Voila! 

Protect your soil

Yes, I’m talking about soil again. Mulching or adding ground cover will keep weeds at bay and moisture in. 

Spend time in your garden

Walk around your garden and observe your plants. It’s much easier to remedy problems early on. You can relocate plants, keep pests at bay, and harvest your goodies at the right time. 

Larkspur Landscaping looks forward to designing and creating a garden that changes your life and our world for the better! Happy gardening! 


A Gardener’s Nightmare - Aphids


Healthy Soil, Healthy Garden