Healthy Soil, Healthy Garden


Always start with the soil

Good soil is key to an abundant garden. Much of the soil in Colorado lack organic materials. To save money and understand exactly what your soil needs, we recommend a soil composition test.

Soil Composition Test to determine the most prevalent soil type in your garden:

  1. Dig a soil sample

  2. Sift the soil in a sieve or colander

  3. Pour the sifted soil into a pint jar and add enough water to cover the soil

  4. Cover and shake, shake, shake!

  5. Set aside and leave undisturbed for a 48 hours

  6. When the soil has settled, you’ll see the distinct layers. Sand will be at the bottom followed by silt, then clay at the very top.

In most cases, the different layers will not be balanced, and the soil will need to be altered by adding organic amendments. Adding organic matter to clay or sandy soil supports with:

  • Nutrient holding capacity

  • Improved drainage

  • Reducing compaction

Everyone’s soil is unique. What we’ve learned in our work is minimal disturbance is best. We intend to build soil life through the use of compost and applying sustainably sourced amendments like shredded leaves, grass clippings, and mulch. Larkspur Landscaping uses nature as its muse. We design gardens that will become more fertile and healthy while having the stability and resilience of a natural ecosystem. 

Remember: soil is the cornerstone of a healthy abundant garden. Love on the worms, tiny beetles, bacteria, and fungi. Soil is ALIVE and life builds on life. 


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