Spring Cleaning the Garden


Raking up last year’s remains unearth bright green shoots - it’s a delight, especially this year. Cleaning the area around your plants helps the warm Spring sunshine get in and do its work. To be honest, this time of year I smile at the early weeds, it’s nice to see even them. 

Garden clean up in Spring vs. Autumn

At Larkspur Landscaping, we take our cues from nature. The whole natural world has had old stems and leaves on it every Winter. Remember no one rakes up the forests. Leaves and plant debris* serve an important role, namely to protect the roots of the plants from heaving out of the ground during the Earth’s freeze-thaw cycle. Eventually, the leaves break down and feed the plant. This is called humus. 




  1. the organic component of soil, formed by the decomposition of leaves and other plant material by soil microorganisms.

No one ever walked into the forest and said, yikes, what a mess! So follow Mother Nature’s lead and remember, Spring cleaning the garden is much more fun than Spring cleaning the house!

*as long as your plants were disease-free


Celebrate Earth Day


5 Things to Know - Starting a Garden