Celebrate Earth Day
"Just living is not enough. One must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower." - Hans Christian Andersen
In honor of Earth Day, here are three easy + eco-friendly ways to support our Mother Earth.
Conserve Water
Watering a garden is easy; whatβs more challenging is watering properly. Water needs depend on the plant and your soil. Even if your plant is drought-tolerant, it will still require water through the first growing season while getting established. MULCH! Mulching helps conserve moisture. You can use grass, leaves, wood, and pine needles as mulch. Tip: Check with your local municipal recycling center for free wood chips.
Plant a Tree
Yes, planting just one tree matters. One large tree can provide a dayβs worth of oxygen for four people according to a study done by the US Department of Agriculture. Tip: The best time to plant a tree is early Spring, just as the ground thaws.
Composting, the secret of the everblooming, abundant garden. Clear an area of your yard out of direct sunlight and preferably behind a shrub or tree. Collect kitchen scraps - anything but meat, cheese, milk products, and animal proteins. Cover the scraps with yard waste such as grass, leaves, and pulled weeds. As you collect more scraps continue to add yard waste and the occasional shovel of soil. Tip: Find worms in your yard? Into the compost pile, they go.